Man ray spongebob gay porn

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His soft side shows in his debut when he can't rob the bank due to the side effect of the tickle belt, causing him to give up and get a credit card with a dog on it to show his defeat. Despite his evil nature, he also has a very soft side. He is also very loyal to those he has a long history with and fellow villains, as he's part of many groups and alliances. He is very manipulative, able to trick SpongeBob and Patrick into thinking he has changed into a force of good despite his very clear intentions. Man Ray is a villain who wants to take over the world and he is also short-tempered and temperamental.

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He is also in peak form despite being nearly as old as Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy. He also is physically able to remove his own head and throw as a boomerang to attack enemies. Man Ray is also a tactical genius, able to plan any scheme on-the-fly and during the crime. He also has the ability to fully fly in some episodes. Man Ray possesses combat skills and seemingly has the power to shoot destructive lasers from his hands. His gloves, boots, and Speedo are all deep blue in color. Man Ray is a humanoid being with a blue helmet shaped like the head of a Manta ray and a red bodysuit.

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He is a parody of Aquaman's archenemy, Black Manta.

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